Thursday, January 11, 2018

Marketing in The News

Topic 2:

In an article posted on AdAge the author was mentioning about the change in CEO for the Mexican grilled restaurant chipotle. They had talked about how after the many food-borne illnesses consumers had reported there has been a downfall into how the company is managing, from creating better food and essentially creating a better reputation. The current CEO decided to step down after two rough years there is an article that tells all about passing it over. The board of directors for the company is finding a better replacement for the company.

The company had always been well known to serve fresh Mexican food for consumers and was a leading food-chain in the U.S. until their recent outbreaks. Chipotle having a reputation of good food and having a modern setting in their sit-down restaurant was in danger after the illnesses. The main way it applies to marketing is how their creditability was in danger, people were more reluctant to go and get a meal there. After the company realized what was happening to their brand they are starting to move in a different direction and hiring a new CEO. The article explains how they have five potential CEO replacements that have worked in the food industry such as Panera, McDonald's, Taco Bell etc. all of these candidates have experience working in a successful food chain in the U.S. The potential and success these candidates have are hopefully going to bring more satisfied consumers and giving back Chipotle their creditability.

In the end, the article was able to show me how marketing can be different than just spreading an ad all over social media or television. There are other ways to show the consuming population something they most likely don't need but will want. Marketing is very powerful for companies to have and being good at it makes them even more successful.

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